Page 1 of 5 New models of online investment advice and services-
part 2
investing offerings aimed at the mass retail investor market are gradually
appearing that are based on online advice. They use online questionnaires and
other technology to minimize labor costs and provide cookie-cutter advice using
model portfolios, with some customization to take into account some personal
circumstances. In part 1 of this 3-part series we looked at the forces behind
these new product offerings. In this part 2 we look at the range of new
entrants in the USA. The US market is blessed
with a wide variety of new entrants, as well as a number of traditional financial
groups who have supplemented their basic businesses to offer similar competing services.
(NB- photo is of US economist and indexing guru Burton Malkiel, currently asssociated with new entrant WealthFront). A DIY investor will find entrants who can help them obtain low cost,
independent one-off advice and low-cost index based investment products. But
the business models of other entrants are less investor-friendly, so buyer beware is certainly the operative phrase
here. In the final part of this 3-part series we will look at developments in
Are online investment models right for you? Not necessarily. Our own position is that every
individual investor should pick the investment method that best helps him or
her to invest on a cost and tax effective manner in a diversified portfolio of
investments with an Asset Allocation appropriate to their personal
circumstances. In particular our recommended approach is to
·most importantly, determine
the asset allocation that is right for you; if you need help in this regard, seek
one-time, cost-effective independent
financial advice paid in an easy to understand, transparent fashion
(such as on an hourly basis) ; and
select low cost index
ETF’s that correspond to each asset category;
There is a wide range of
internet-based new entrants, and they vary enormously in approach. Some offer services
that are closely aligned with our philosophy, many do not.
In this commentary
we will introduce you to a variety of new entrants in the US market.
Range on new entrants- an overview
One of the best sources describing these new entrants
in the US is Corporate Insight . Here
is a summary by Grant Easterbrook of Corporate Insight from their site:
Whether or not
individual brokerage firms embrace some combination of these online alternative
models, the broader retail investment industry will likely feel their
collective impact. Each new
competitor struggles with raising awareness and achieving scale,but as a whole, they
exert pressure on existing investment industry players to offer greater
transparency, lower costs, and more modern and
usable online platforms. In the
long term, consumer demand for cheaper and more transparent financial solutions
shows no sign of abating. As a result, we expect the number of these investing
and advice start-ups–and their unique
business models – to continue to grow. ....While entrepreneurs
agree on the forces that are spurring innovation, they have brought a broad
variety of products and services to market in response. Many do follow similar
themes, though; we have classified these 37 firms into eight main product
· Algorithm-based
investment advice
· Packaged portfolios
· Financial advisors
and financial planning
· Online financial
advisor search
· Trade- mimicking
· ETF/ mutual fund
· 401(k) guidance
· Other
........ Easterbrook Corporate
Insight or as a PDF doc.22xx-
Easterbrook Corporate Insight
Jan 2012 Guide to Online Investment
Easterbrook assesses the
current state of these new entrants as follows. They offer low costs, fee-transparency
and online-savvy platforms, but are plagued by an investment expertise
credibility gap that needs to be corrected.
If there’s one key
takeaway across all product types, it’s this: emerging firms offer lower costs,
more transparency on fees and performance, and more modern and usable online
most established investment firms. These start-ups are not without significant
weaknesses, though. Highest among those is a credibility gap. Many firms do
little to prove their investment expertise and trustworthiness. They devote
insufficient website real estate to establishing the credentials of the people
behind their products. So long as prospects are not presented with a compelling
case for the firm’s trustworthiness, it will be hard for these start-ups to win
significant investable assets in today’s turbulent markets. Other recurring
weaknesses include superficial investor questionnaires and the absence of
robust mobile platforms.
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