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New investing offerings aimed at
the mass retail investor market are gradually appearing that are based on
online advice. They use online questionnaires and other technology to minimize
labor costs and provide cookie-cutter advice using model portfolios, with some
customization to take into account some personal circumstances. Do-it-yourself
investors, who have made the decision to manage their own investments, often
want to get advice on a cost-effective basis focused on the key determinants of
long term returns, such as the right Asset Allocation, but have had trouble locating sources for such advice.
Instead they often end up receiving recommendations based upon stock-picking or
market timing techniques that are rarely as successful as a low-cost, buy and
hold indexing approach. Do the new investing offerings address these
unfulfilled needs of retail investors? Why are so few of them available to
Canadian investors? In part 1 of this 3-part series we look at the forces behind these new product
offerings. Do you recognize yourself in some of the reasons driving investors towards online solutions? In part 2 we will look at the broad range of new entrants in the USA, and In
part 3 we will look at developments in Canada .
Introduction- what about the small investor?
The appearance of new entrants
aimed at the mass retail investor market is primarily driven by one simple
fact: financial advisers are rarely interested in clients with small
portfolios, typically defined as less than half a million dollars:
How do you turn your savings into a comfortable pile of
money you can retire on? Good advice helps. And how do you get good advice?
Well, you'd better already have that comfortable pile of money. If you have
under $250,000 -- or even $500,000 -- to invest, says Bing Waldert of the
financial industry researcher Cerulli Associates, "you're not going to be
on the radar screen of a sophisticated adviser." You could get help from a
broker who is paid on commission, but you'll have to worry about whether he's
pushing products that make the most money for him -- and not necessarily for
you. George Manne or as a PDF doc.22xx- Mannes
2010 The future
of financial advice .pdf.
For a more direct
quote, consider the following quote by a Merrill Lynch director:
Many full-service brokerage firms have
been increasingly focused on high net worthinvestors. According to Jeffrey
Lippert, a Merrill Lynch District Director, as quoted in theWall Street Journal:“If there are still financial advisors
that really enjoy servicing small accounts,please let me know, and I will get you
a nice salaried job in the Investor Services
Group where you can deal with poor
people to your heart’s content” p. 232 of Tiburon 2005 advice report or doc.21xx- Tiburon 2005 The
Future of advice study.pdf
So what should the average retail
investor do? Our position is that every individual investor should pick the
investment method that best helps him or her to invest on a cost and tax
effective manner in a diversified portfolio of investments with an asset
allocation appropriate to their personal circumstances. Our recommended
approach for the investor who shares our philosophy and wants to take the full do-it-yourself (DIY)
approach is to:
determine the right asset allocation; if the investor needs help in
this regard, one-time, cost-effective independent financial advice paid in an easy to
understand, transparent fashion (such as on an hourly basis) is our recommended approach; on hourly vs
other fee models, see Oblivious Investor or as a PDF doc.22xx- Piper Oblivious
Investor 2010 Asking the Advisors How to
Pay for Investment Advice.pdf.
- determine asset classes
subdivided by asset category and geographic market;
- select low cost index
ETF’s that
correspond to each category;
- select and invest with a discount
- hold for long term; and
- rebalance periodically.
The weak link
in this approach is the difficulty, for investors who want to use discount
brokers but also want advice when required, in finding one-time, cost-effective independent
financial advice. Conversely the traditional alternatives for investors who do
not choose the DIY route is a full service broker; the weak link in that
approach is that it is often commission based, and advisers typically practice
stock-picking and market timing (almost always less successful in the long term
than a passive indexing approach).
At the other end of the pendulum,
investors with substantial investable assets often prefer to hire an investment
counsel who provides total portfolio management services on an annual
asset-based fee basis; the weakness here is self-evident, only a very small
percentage of retail investors have the size to interest investment counsel,
and fees at the lower end can sometimes be surprisingly high.
Other common intermediate alternatives
include seeking assistance from entities who limit their services to certain
products or services; advisers who are limited to mutual funds are one example.
But limiting one’s investments to the offerings of one such adviser has its own
weaknesses, such as limited product selection and higher costs.
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