First Visit-general info |
Our site contains a substantial amount of information on investing as well as commentaries on current financial events and exchanges with you, our members.
Information- Investing
We recognize that the time required to read the entire site will be demanding. It is worth the effort. But here are a few suggestions to accelerate your visits.
The Summary section (which you can access by clicking directly here or on the heading Summary on the home page) gives you a good overall view of all of the information on the site.
The User Guide lists the different stages in saving and investing, and, for each, refers you to the appropriate site topics.
Another way to identify those topics of particular interest to you is by going to Site visit by User Profile. This will refers you to the relevant site topics according to your profile or interests.
Information on investing on our site is divided into eleven themes or groups of topics, which are listed on the left side of the home page; click on any particular theme to access it. The themes are themselves divided into sections. Click on Themes here (or on the heading Themes on the home page) for a comprehensive list of sections to be found under all the themes.
Each section begins with a table of contents as well as a brief summary quickly explaining the subject matter in that section.
Each table of contents contains a list of the sub-section under that section. To directly access a sub-section, click on the corresponding heading.
Each section ends with a conclusion covering the key conclusions for that section.
We have saved hundreds of PDF documents. We refer to these documents throughout the site, each with a unique identifier (example: doc.XXX). To access a document, click on the document title in the main body of the site. Alternatively, you can consult (and search) the full list of documents which appears under the heading PDF Documents on the home page.
Use the Help tab for definitions of terms used on the site. To do a word search throughout the site, select Search the site under the same Help icon.
Under the tab Information you will find an explanation of how information is presented on the site as well as our sources of information (lists of web sites, books, glossaries, PDF documents etc).
Current events and exchanges with members
Our most recent comments on current financial events and exchanges with members are on the home page. Previous comments and exchanges are found under Archives (see at the bottom of the home page, or under the tab Information).
Last Updated ( Monday, 07 January 2008 )
There is a crucial difference about playing the game of investing compared to virtually any other activity. Most of us have no chance of being as good as the average in any pursuit where others practice and hone skills for many, many hours. But we can be as good as the average investor in the stock market with no practice at all. Jeremy Siegel |